Change to my study programme

 The end of the semester is approaching and we all begin to analyze the good, the bad and what could be better for both one and my university. That is why qualifying our study plan at the university is very important in order to improve in the future with the following generations of students.

In particular, this semester has been very exhausting for me, since the academic load is very high, with classes such as physical chemistry or organic chemistry 2, as well as other very demanding courses. Each course requires 1.5 hours of study, but I think it is insufficient for the level of difficulty they have. Regarding the facilities, I find that they are good but, for the number of people there are insufficient. When the main hall is used for important events, many subjects must resort to rooms that do not have the best view to learn, so teaching becomes very complicated for students and teachers.

Regarding technology, it is seen that they have advanced in bringing more resources such as more modern and large televisions, virtual whiteboards or better lighting, but I think that there is still the possibility of having better technological objects for better teaching.

The teaching methods for me are good in most of the professors who teach at this university, but there are still some who maintain an old teaching method that is not comfortable for the generations that are arriving today, since they are familiar with surrounding themselves of technology and teachers who do not know how to use them complicate the learning method a bit for these people


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