Why did i choose my major?

 Hello all!!

I decided to choose the degree in Chemistry and pharmacy because when I was a child I liked science over history or art.

My dream job was being a Doctor, but that feeling disappeared.

When I postulated to the university, I selected five options of degree: Chemistry and Farmacy, Law, Medical Technology, Medicine and Teacher.

I chose this major ( Chemistry and pharmacy) because the medication fascinates me. Its composition, form, How is made, distribution, effects on the living organism, and a lot more.

My experience at the university has been very nice, I met a lot of friends and they are incredible people. But still the pandemic has been a major inconvenience in my college experience but I still have a lot of energy!


  1. I also had the dream of being a doctor, I understand you bro

  2. Its pleasant know you could met a lot of friends in the university. :))


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