A time travel to the future

Time travel to the future is a topic very interesting, because it incluides many softthemes they will answers the big questions that humanity still does not know.  A question for examples: What will happen to human beings in five hundred years? will we be alive? Will we travel in space? That is something that many of us would like to know and me above all. I would like to travel in the future to the year 2050, them to the year 2100, to finish the year 2300 to observe the changes taht  the world has had. Where to go? I would like to travel everywhere and compare many interesting details with today.
Would I like to stay there? It is a difficult question to answer since I would have to analyze if the future is the one I imagine and the one I want to live in, but I feel that I would return to the present to enjoy it.

To finish talking about this topic, I can say that it could be a great idea to finf a way to get to the future, whether i is a near or distant future, because it is a great opportunity to prevent major problems such as climate change, world conflicts and other big issues that can be prevented by going into the future


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