My Dream Job
Hello, Today I tell you about "My Dream Job". Always I want work in the Pharmaceutical industry as technical director, in my opinion is a fascinating work. Today, I am studying the career of my dreams and I am very happy about it, but it is also a great responsibility since many skills are required, such as memory to know each drug on the market, perseverance know the contents related to the pharmaceutical world and above all know that this career is to help people and not profit from it. As for the salary, at first the remuneration that is received is not too much, but over the years and getting the necessary experience, the salary is increased to be able to live in peace. In addition, the occupational field of this career is very large, since there is work in pharmacies, industries, marketing, among many others. Thanks to all of the above, I feel very good about having chosen this career because it makes me very happy and I know that I will be able to live in peace in the f...